Restricted use
June 6, 2019 03:44 AM
- All desert areas during hot periods, including Death Valley. During these periods, many areas are not habitable and could pose a danger to humans. Consult Expedition Motor Homes, Inc. for a complete list of restricted areas.
- Gatherings or events, which could pose a danger to humans.
- Non-Public roads, unpaved, dirt roads, and “off-road” areas.
- Renter is liable for all damages to vehicle, tires, batteries, towing charges and other expenses as a result of a breakdown associated with operating in these areas. Security & Damage Deposit will be forfeited if violated.
- Renter is prohibited in use of the motorhome associated with any illegal or unsafe purpose, including consuming alcohol while driving.
- Security & Damage Deposit will be forfeited if any portion of this section N is violated