Time to Get Outdoors and Get Healthy


Time to Get Outdoors and Get Healthy

June 9, 2020 10:04 AM

When you consider the list of activities you can do with your family, the benefits become pretty clear, there is something for everyone, and it’s all good. You could be fishing, biking, hiking, or just sitting, watching, breathing in the fresh air, listening to the birds, or the wind in the trees.

Discover a Better Way to Treat Yourself

Nature is many times, just what the doctor ordered. Sometimes doctors even prescribe getting into a natural environment instead of a prescription of medication. It is now believed that being in nature can prevent illness.

There are several disorders and maladies that can result from prolonged separation from the natural environment. The body absorbs vitamin D when you spend time outside. Vitamin D fights off various diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, depression, heart disease, or stroke.

Getting outside is a less infectious environment. During these contagious days, it is easy to become infected. RV travel is ideal for getting away in isolation with your family. In the outdoors virus’ have a far less chance of spreading. RV travel allows you and your family to avoid crowded places where germs are easily spread.

A Great Way to Improve Over-all Health

Walks in nature improve short-term memory up to 20%. Walking in an urban environment had no positive effect on memory.

Nature and the great outdoors reduce stress levels. Research shows evidence of its effect on mental health, reducing anxiety levels, relieving depression, and stress levels. It is even said to improve your child’s ability to learn improve self-esteem, and even be happy.

Chronic stress can produce high levels of cortisol, increased heart rate, and a weakened immune system.

When you are immersed in nature it helps you relax and reduces stress, having a positive effect on your overall level of health.

Sometimes We Just Have to Get Away

At some point, we’re better at what we do when we take a break from it. Getting outside not only helps recover from fatigue and improve cognitive functions, allowing you to focus better on your work, but it can also give you more energy.

Natural sunlight boosts vitamin D levels, this helps you feel less fatigued. In as little as 20 minutes a day affects your alertness.

More of our natural senses are freed-up in a natural environment. At the same time, we are able to use more of them, which is a more natural state of mind. We all need the peace and tranquillity that an urban setting simply can’t provide.

A Creative Choice

Another study conducted showed an increase of as much as 50% of an increase in creativity, problem-solving, and task achievement. When you immerse yourself in nature, you become more creative. Surrounded in beautiful scenery inspires in us a need to appreciate and record the experience.

Lifestyle is a Preference

Along with all of the health benefits, you may just find that you’re having loads of fun. Many people who try RV camping, end up wanting to do it more. The great outdoors, time with family, sitting around a campfire, exploring the natural environment, this is what truly matters.

At Expedition Motorhomes, we are ready to introduce you to it or bring you back to it.


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